Bill Me Later
What is Bill Me Later?
Bill Me Later is a PayPal service that lets you buy now and pay later with a credit line that's built into your PayPal account, subject to credit approval. Think of it as an instant and reusable credit line you can use at checkout when you pay with your PayPal account. Bill Me Later is built into most PayPal payment solutions
How Do You Use The Bill Me Later Option?
Once you are ready to complete your order click the CHECKOUT button. Then, login to your paypal account. Once you login scroll down annd choose the Bill Me Later option. The first time you select Bill Me Later as your payment method during checkout, you are prompted to enter your date of birth and just the last 4 digits of your Social Security number, and accept the terms. You will then receive a credit decision within seconds. The Bill Me Later credit line is subject to consumer credit approval and offered through WebBank, Salt Lake City, Utah. In subsequent visits you can use Bill Me Later without needing to enter your information. After applying, Bill Me Later is added to your PayPal account as a payment source, like their credit card or bank account.
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